A community for like-minded people, who connect through the books about Anastasia by Wladimir Megre! You can share photos, create a social profile - and explore all the functions of this website!
www.anastasias-dream.org features some central citations of the books, but is available only in russian. Now this project, www.anastasias-dream.com is a community website - since 2024 you can create a profile and connect!
Feel free to create a profile, ask something, start a discussion and use the other functions of this wonderful tool!
Our organization goals
Preserve natural ecosystems
Unite as a community, taking dedicated action to protect, restore, and cherish our invaluable natural ecosystems for future generations.
Protecting endangered species
Our community-driven efforts aim to safeguard and restore endangered wildlife populations through volunteer actions and conservation initiatives.
Promote sustainable consumption
Together as a community, we strive to raise awareness, inspire mindful choices, and support sustainable practices for a healthier and more sustainable world.